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Ugo Cupcic wins 1st Prize in Kaggle Datasets Award

Our Chief Technical Architect, Ugo Cupcic, has won 1st Prize in Kaggle’s Datasets Awards. After careful deliberation, the Kaggle team selected Ugo’s ‘Grasping Dataset‘ as the winner as it ‘brings unique research-based dataset on an interesting topic to Kaggle’s community’. Well done Ugo!

Now owned by Google, Kaggle host competitions in which companies/researchers post data, and folks submit models that predict/describe the data. In Ugo’s case, he published the first public dataset for our Smart Grasping Sandbox; it was created to investigate the use of machine learning to predict the stability of a grasp.

Ugo said: ‘I’m super thrilled to have been awarded the first place winner of Kaggle’s Datasets Award! This is the first public dataset we’re uploading at Shadow but definitely not the last.’ As well as his award, he has also written a brilliant blog post about the dataset and how to use it.

Kaggle interviewed Ugo about his dataset and the motivation for creating it – you can have a look at the post here. Feel free to contact us on @ShadowRobot to let us know what you think of it!
